Caissa Hong Kong Chess Club

chess in hong kong

James and Miguel Angel now lead Autumn 2014 YGP

September 22nd, 2014

Last Sunday James Wing Ki fulfilled his personal task, to stop Benjamin from winning 4 times in a row, with flair.

In another decisive game, Miguel Angel managed to win a few pawns in Sabrina’s King’s Indian set-up and storming into the black position also won other material to end the game with a win. James and Miguel Angel now top the ranking list.


The important game between Benjamin and James watched by coach Michel and Ronald

The game between Benjamin and James watched by  Michel and Ronald


Teddy bravely sacrificed a queen for a strong attack, got his queen back later, and in what seemed a drawish position tried to force the win again, but with an inaccurancy and Andy held his position and finally won.

Marco had a very fast win against Samach who had played a strong tournament so far.

Rachel played the longest game of the evening, again, and had an equal position against Ronald for a long time, until Ronald managed to trade his rook for two pieces, active enough to press on with his pawns towards a winning endgame.


Rachel patiently taking her time to think through the posotion against Ronald

Rachel patiently taking her time to think through the position against Ronald



After a loss against Toby in the Friday Autumn Open, Ray this time beat Toby and it seems with extra patience Ray is growing strongly into the tournament.

Mei Jing saw her queen go off the board for a rook but she managed to get the queen back and ultimately win her game against Samuel.

As Louis and Thomas Sunday decided to withdraw, their opponents, Richard and Steven, were paired against each other but unfortunately Steven did not arrive and Richard won by default.


Results Round 4 and Ranking after 4 Rounds

Results Round 4 and Ranking after 4 Rounds


Four rounds have already been played and there are no more BYEs allowed in the last 3 rounds. Therefore the pairing for round 5 which will be played on 12 October has already taken place and is as follows:


Pairing Round 5 - to be played on 12 October 2014

Pairing Round 5 – to be played on 12 October 2014

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