Caissa Hong Kong Chess Club

chess in hong kong

Prize Giving Ceremony / Party to Celebrate end of Spring Cycle Series

June 26th, 2015

Caissa Hong Kong Spring Open 2015

Yesterday we concluded the last prize winning ceremony of this season by handing out the prizes to the winners of the Spring Open, held on Friday evenings.

All players of the Friday Autumn, Winter and Spring events were invited to join the prize giving and enjoy some snacks, including famous Dutch fingerfood, authentic from the only Dutch restaurant (Orange Tree) in town. Of course, this was a good moment also to play some blitz chess in preparation for the next day’s National Blitz Championships.


Social Blitz with ...

Social Blitz with Dutch snacks in the foreground


In this Spring Cycle we had Matthew Tan joining, but he would not play for any prize. However, it was great to have an IM playing with us and analyzing with his opponents where they went wrong … and as a thank you we found it appropriate to give him an Honorary Champion prize.


Readying for the Prize Ceremony

The Prize Winners

The Prize Winners

Matthew receives his prize form David will Tejpal manages to bring his son Mahir back ... Mahir is hungry now and surely we'll see more from him without any need to hold him back!

Matthew receives his prize from David while Tejpal manages to bring his son Mahir back … Mahir is hungry now and surely we’ll see more from him without any need to hold him back!


Long You managed to prolong his Winter Champion title and was a convincing Champion of the Spring Open. Congrats Long!

Henry and Melvin tied for 2nd and 3rd place but Henry won the tie-break. Well done to both and glad to see Melvin seems very ready for the Open Dutch where he will be playing in the Caissa shirt in the U16 category.


Matthew hands out Champion Prize to Long You

Matthew hands out Champion Prize to Long You

Henry receives 2nd Prize from Matthew

Henry receives 2nd Prize from Matthew

Melvin gets 3rd Prize from Matthew

Melvin gets 3rd Prize from Matthew


After the prize ceremony we finished the 7 rounds blitz. It was finally won by Matthew, followed by James (great result James!) and Long. Tomorrow will be the National Championships in which Long, Richard, David, Melvin, Miguel, Tejpal, Koji and Mei Jing all will participate. Judging from today’s play we truly expect to have some serious title contenders among this Caissa group…


Final Ranking Social Blitz

Final Ranking Social Blitz


Joseph Wins Autumn Open, Henry 2nd and James 3rd

November 1st, 2014

The last round of the Autumn Open 2014 last Friday evening turned out to be a roller coaster ride as was the case with the YGP: until the last minute it was not clear who would win which prize.


At the start of Round 7 everything was still possible on the top boards - Henry having a bird's eye perspective of his game against Koji

At the start of Round 7 everything was still possible on the top boards – Henry having a bird’s eye perspective of his game against Koji


At the start of round 7 Joseph led the tournament with 5.5 points out of 6, having played a draw only to James, and he seemed to be cruising towards an undisputed title. However, in the last round the not-so-rusty-anymore Long turned out to be strong enough by now to win an endgame of double rooks and pawns in an impressive manner – very precise play.

James, who had 4 points at the start of round 7 played a solid game with black against Melvin. Instead of trying to create counter play Melvin mostly reacted to James’s threats which helped James controlling the game and finally promote a pawn decisively. James now had 5 points.

Henry, who already had 5 points at the start of round 7, was kept under pressure with black by Koji (4 points at the start of round 7) who had a dominating knight controlling the middle of the board, unopposed by Henry’s enclosed bad bishop. Koji’s win secured Joseph his title and among Henry, James and Koji with 5 points it were Henry and James who ended 2nd and 3rd on tie-break and Koji just out of the prize zone.

On the other boards Hannah and David won against Toby and Ray respectively.

Congratulations to Joseph, Henry and James for their top 3 position and to all other players for upholding a very good atmosphere and some fine play throughout the event. Especially also a big applause for the youth players Toby, Ray, Melvin, Richard and Miguel Angel who dared to challenge the adults.


Prize Winners James, Joseph and Henry with trophies and envelopes!

Prize Winners James, Joseph and Henry –  well done gentlemen!


Final Ranking Cross Table Caissa Autumn Open 2014

Final Ranking Cross Table Caissa Autumn Open 2014