Caissa Hong Kong Chess Club

chess in hong kong

Discovery Bay in Hong Kong 2013 National Inter-School Chess Championship

February 25th, 2013

The Hong Kong national school team competition was held on Saturday 23 February (Secondary) and Sunday 24 February (Secondary and Primary) at the South Island School premises. The event attracted over 240 participants and about as many supporters and spectators.

Although at least 6-7 players from Caissa go to Discovery Bay International School (DBIS) there was unfortunately no DBIS team. Discovery Bay was thus represented through Discovery College participating with one team in the Secondary and four teams in the Primary section: a growth of four teams compared to last year!

Day 1: Secondary

The Discovery College Secondary team had a rough first day, scoring one draw in the four rounds played. The team had two players competing for the first time in this section: Caissa’s Sophie Whalley, who played her first tournament ever, and Kevin Xin, last year still playing in the Primary Section.

Day 2: Primary and Secondary

To avoid traffic conditions related to the Marathon a coach bus was organized for door to door transport of all the teams. Unfortunately the bus ride was 45 minutes longer than was indicated and instead of 8.45am the teams arrived at 9.30am. Secondary was well in time with a BYE in their round 5 and as the event was delayed a little bit and because our four DC teams were paired against each other in round 1 there was luckily no impact.

Players and parents and supporters getting on the bus

Discovery College chess players, their parents and supporters getting on the bus


The second day went much better: excluding the BYE the team had in round 5, all players made their marks: Kevin Xin winning both games, Michael Xin and Sophie Whalley scoring 1.5 out of 2, and Ken Arima scoring 1 out of 2.

Because of this good end sprint the team climbed up to end on 16th place out of 23.

Sophie glad after her first win while Michael, Kevin and Ken still have some work to do.

Sophie glad after her first win while Michael, Kevin and Ken still have some work to do.


team sec



With the exception of two or three players, our players in teams B, C and D had never played a tournament yet – some players had only learned how to play chess several weeks or months ago. Obviously the experience of participating in the event, and hopefully liking it while scoring a point here and there, was the main purpose. Team A was the DC team with the most experienced players and it was their target to rank higher than last year’s 32nd place out of 47 teams.

In a nutshell, DC teams achieved all the goals set for this year. In team D, ending 65th of 66 teams, the average score of the players was over 2 points so no player remained empty handed in their first appearance!

Team D having lots of fun: (front to back) Hyng Junm Koza, Arnav and James

Team D having lots of fun: (front to back) Hyng Jun, Koza, Arnav and James

team d


From team B and team C, ending 51st and 52nd respectively, we see some noteworthy performances from Jonathan Chow and Max Moore (team B) scoring 3.5 and 5.5 points respectively but also Aryan and Joaquin scored in their first appearance. Suneh Bhatia and Kian Heathman (team C) scoring 4.5 and 3 points respectively is an excellent result, but also Eshanya and Feliz managed to win in their first chess event. Great!

Team C: (front to back) Felix, Suneh, Eshanya and Kian

Team C: (front to back) Felix, Suneh, Eshanya and Kian

Team B and C sitting in a long row. Team B, foreground (front to back): Jonathan, Maxwell, Aryan and Joaquin

Team B and C sitting in a long row. Team B, foreground (front to back): Jonathan, Maxwell, Aryan and Joaquin


team b and c


DC team A was a contender for a top 5 position up until the last round. However, 3rd place in the final ranking was taken by ISF team A through a 4-0 win over our DC team A that pushed us down to 22nd place of 66 teams – still a significant improvement indeed over last year’s performance. Noteworthy here are the scores of Chor Wei Tang with 5 points (5 wins in a row) and of Miguel Angel Garceran Wang on board 1 who with 6 points won some silverware, the 4th prize of the individual players of board 1. Congrats Miguel Angel! But also Bryant and Mei Jing performed well as this team, scoring well, continuously faced the strongest opponents.

Final ranking Primary.

Team A in the last round against ISF A: (front to back) Miguel Angel, Bryant, Chor Wei and Mei Jing

Team A in the last round against ISF A: (front to back) Miguel Angel, Bryant, Chor Wei and Mei Jing


team a


In addition to the highlighted “noteworthy” scores, the most noteworthy fact of the day was the individual commitment of all players trying to push their own boundaries among great team spirit and it seems the foundation is laid to grow this further.

The team spirit, by the way, was not in the least thanks to the many parents who accompanied the players with good mood and with over a dozen homemade dishes, drinks and other snacks. If there would be a prize for coziest corner, it would definitely have gone to the DC conquered tables in the waiting area.

DC Snack Area

DC Snack Area


Also in between rounds the chess analyses went on

Also in between the seven rounds the chess analyses went on …


... also the dads trying their luck

… and in such a tempting snack corner also the dads tried their luck


Inter-School Chess 2013 Preparations Discovery College Started

January 27th, 2013

In preparation for the 24 February 2013 Hong Kong inter-school chess tournament the Primary squad of Discovery College has started meeting up on Sundays at Discovery College and Thursdays at Caissa.

The venue at Caissa turned out to be a bit too small to accommodate an additional group of 10+ students (on coming Thursdays we will have an extra room) but the school venue was perfect to slowly get the students in shape.

Suneh ready awaiting his opponent's return. Background Hyun Jun practices with Miguel Angel and Kian stands to reach the pieces on Chor Wei's side


Meijing and Max look relaxed but the board is on fire. Bryant and Wilson in the background.

Discovery Bay Getting ready for the Hong Kong Inter-School Chess Championship

January 23rd, 2013

Being the local chess club, Caissa obviously has quite a lot of players who go to one of the two Discovery Bay  international schools, Discovery College or Discovery Bay International School.

Like last year with this tournament, as well as with with the ESF Quarry Bay School organized Primary Championship, Caissa will be facilitating some training for the Discovery College players in the coming weeks.

Last year Discovery College participated just with 1 team and it was a tough ride, but with 3 wins, 1 draw and 3 losses, the team ended decently on 32nd place in this strong tournament.

This year we have already 16 players registered to participate and Discovery College is about to arrive with 4 teams in the Primary section!

Of course we also hope DBIS will be assembling a team – from Caissa we wish them just as much success.

In any case, for the fledgling Discovery Bay chess community we already have something achieved by coming in with 4, 5 or hopefully 6 times as many students than came in from Discovery Bay last year. That prize is already ours …