Caissa Hong Kong Chess Club

chess in hong kong

Teddy Wins Winter YGP2

March 12th, 2015

By defeating Marco, Teddy became the winner of U10 and the Champion of the YGP2 with 5.5. points. Teddy, our Caissa pupil, has developed strongly in the last couple of months. Well done!


Front: Harsh (white) vs. Oliver. Back: Marco (white) vs. Teddy

Front: Harsh (white) vs. Oliver. Back: Marco (white) vs. Teddy


James, who won against Richard, became winner of U12 and also got 5.5 points but ended 2nd overall on the 4th tie-break, that is, Teddy had more wins with black.

Andy defeated Miguel Angel by a good occupation of Miguel’s back rank with his white rook. Herewith Andy ended 2nd in U10 and Miguel Angel 3rd.

Although Oliver won his game against Harsh, it was Ronald by defeating Mei Jing who with 4.5 points could claim 2nd prize in U12.


Final Ranking Cross Table Winter 2015 YGP2

Final Ranking Cross Table Winter 2015 YGP2


Ronald had left earlier and did not get his prize handed out – but the other prize winners got their trophy and cash prizes handed out by coach Michel.

Miguel Angel 3rd place U10 YGP 2

Miguel Angel 3rd place U10 YGP 2


Andy Au 2nd Prize U10

Andy Au 2nd Prize U10


Teddy Yang, Winner U10 and Tournament Winner

Teddy Yang, Winner U10 and Tournament Winner


James Kwong Champion U12

James Kwong Champion U12


Finally the ranking of the YGP:

Ranking YGP per 8 March 2015

Ranking YGP per 8 March 2015

Teddy and and James share first place in YGP2 … and meet next Sunday

February 25th, 2015

With Miguel Angel drawing against Richard in round 5 Teddy has emerged on the top position again after his win against Ronald in that same round, sharing 1st place with James who won against Marco. The game to watch in round 6 will be James against Teddy!

Teddy with white against Ronald

Teddy with white against Ronald breaking through the center


Below the ranking after round 5 and the pairing for round 6:

Cross Table Ranking after Round 5

Cross Table Ranking after Round 5

Pairing Round 6



Miguel Angel Leads YGP 2 flanked by four other players with equal points

February 3rd, 2015

After the 4th round there are five players, each with 3 points, topping the ranking.

On board 1 we had a lengthy but noteworthy battle of the titans of U12, James, and U10, Miguel Angel. Both players lead their age group in Grand Prix points and the game was daring and adventurous from both sides. In the beginning of the endgame Miguel Angel with white managed to force his queen towards close range from the black king and after some necessary exchanges to ease the pressure in front of the black king, Miguel Angel ended in a rook-bishop vs rook-bishop end game one pawn up. With only few minutes left on the clock Miguel Angel accepted the 3-fold repetition by James’ rook checks.

A great game worthy a replay:


On board 2, the U12 boys Ronald and Oliver drew in a game that looked very good for Oliver for a long time, but the pawn up advantage in the end was not enough for Oliver to win.

On board 3, Andy and Teddy had an important game for the U10 grand prix points. Teddy with black had put a lot of pressure on white, winning 2 pawns and later returning them for a superior king pawns endgame which was won very well.

Ulysses with white found Richard blocking his way to get a 3rd win in a row and through this win Richard is back in the top 5.

Marco played concentrated and well against Anika as did Harsh against Mei Jing. Despite their resilience it turned out not to be a good day for the girls.

Harold with white benefited from an error Samuel made early in the game and Toby unfortunately had to wait an hour and got a free point because of Steven’s no show.


Harold playing chess against Toby and Ulysses after finishing their games (Toby waiting for his opponent)

Harold playing chess against Toby and Ulysses after finishing their games (Toby waiting for his opponent)


YGP2 Cross Table after R4

YGP2 Cross Table after Round 4

Autumn Youth Grand Prix Fully Open Again after draw between James and Miguel Angel

October 14th, 2014

Last Sunday on board 1 the only two undefeated players, James Wing Ki and Miguel Angel were facing off to stay on top. James opened d4 against Miguel Angel who choose and Old Indian set-up in the same spirit of playing his Philidor weapon against e4. After 28 moves the game was agreed to be a draw but it is somehow unfortunate that young players agree on draws when the board is still full of adventures to explore.


James, Wing Ki with white vs Miguel Angel



On board 2 Ronald and Andy played the longest game of the evening, won by Ronald. On board 3 Benjamin won against Marco in a game that was simply played too fast as was what happened on board 4 with Oliver winning against Ray.


Ronald faces Andy's Sicilian (foreground)

Ronald Choy


On board 5 Rachel beat Sabrina and on board 6 we had a thriller between Richard and Teddy in a rook vs. bishop end game – after Ronald vs. Andy, the longest game. Although technically it should have been a draw, under various kinds of pressure, like Teddy having to return to Shenzhen, Teddy made a mistake and Richard scored an important point.


Teddy vs. Richard aka Bishop vs. Rook endgame

Teddy vs. Richard aka Bishop vs. Rook endgame


Wing Shun Harold played more concentrated and motivated than Mei Jing which translated into a deserved win for Harold. Steven, despite being some material down in the beginning against Samach, managed to win a queen by double attack and thus won his game as did Toby against Samuel early in the evening.

With 4 players with 4 points all playing against each other next week we will  have a great Sunday to look forward to – anything can happen!


Ranking after 5 Rounds and Pairing Round 6

Ranking after 5 Rounds and Pairing Round 6

Junior Rapid Chess Tournament Sunday 21 April

April 23rd, 2013

The German-Swiss School was host to a very well HKCF organized event on Sunday 21 April that attracted over 100 children of whom some 50 played in the Under 10 age group.



Congratulations to Michael Yang who could play in the Under 13 age group but played in and won first prize in Under 18 (9 players). Also congratulations to Benjamin Oh who won the Under 13 (20 players). Both players are well known at Caissa and performed very well in earlier Caissa organized events, like the Hong Kong – Macao Pearl Delta Cup.

The Under 10 age group was won by Ho Pang Huang, a strong player residing in Shenzhen, just ahead of local talent James Kwong who ended second on tie-break. Caissa’s Miguel Angel Garceran Wang ended 5th.

Congratulations, finally, to Harold Kwong who won the Under 7 age group (15 players) with 7 points out of 7: a worthy National Champion. Caissa’s Mei Jing Garceran Wang ended as first girl in this age group on the 5th place.


Prize Winners Per Age Group

Prize Winners Per Age Group